10 September 2024

Rainbow crossing for Tauranga

Tauranga Moana is the latest New Zealand city set to install a rainbow crossing in its city centre as its council looks to celebrate diversity and inclusion.

The crossing decision was made at the Community, Transparency and Engagement Committee meeting today, following a public petition with more than 900 people requesting a rainbow crossing in the city centre.

A rainbow crossing is a pedestrian crossing which also includes the colours of the rainbow flag, which celebrates the LGBTQIA+ community as well as diversity and the inclusion of all people.

Committee chair, Cr Kevin Schuler, says endorsing the petition was an important first step to show the Council is committed to creating an inclusive city.

“The rainbow crossing supports our direction to become a city that allows people to feel safe and welcome, a place that is full of energy, possibility and opportunity for everybody. The best thing we can do is make people feel like they belong.” Cr Schuler says.

“The petition showed there was strong support for a crossing in a prominent part of the city and it’s important to show we understand why this is needed. We also spoke to businesses near the location we’ve chosen, with the majority being receptive to the idea of showing support for the rainbow community, as well as the vibrancy it would bring to the area.”

It was also raised that Tauranga means 'safe anchorage' and the city needs to be a place where all people feel safe to anchor.

The new crossing will be installed at 21 Devonport Road, adjacent to He Puna Manawa, (Tauranga City Council’s temporary library and customer service centre) and will be in place by the end of this year.

Cr Schuler says the location was already earmarked to have a pedestrian crossing to help improve safety in the area, which was easily adaptable as a rainbow crossing. As the proposed design features the standard zebra crossing, it is also permitted under the government’s land transport rules.

Work on the crossing will require a single night road closure with only minor traffic disruption in the area.

Indicative design of rainbow crossing
Indicative design of rainbow crossing.

Posted: 10 September 2024
Categories: News, Te Papa

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