Te Awanui Ward Councillor Mikaere Sydney and his whānau have notified Tauranga City Council that they wish to prioritise his recovery, and that they and Mikaere have therefore made the tough decision that he resign as an elected member, effective immediately.
Mikaere Sydney was elected as Te Awanui Ward representative at last year’s Council election, but has since been on an extended leave of absence, for medical reasons.
Mahé says he was saddened to learn that Mikaere would not be joining the governance team, as Tauranga City Council’s first Māori Ward Councillor.
“My fellow Councillors and I were very much looking forward to working with Mikaere when he was well enough, but completely appreciate and respect the decision that he and his whānau have made at this time,” Mahé says.
“Mikaere is young and talented and has a bright future ahead of him. I’m confident that we will see him play an important role in the Tauranga community in years to come, but for now, his health remains the priority and we offer best wishes for a fast and full recovery.”
A by-election will be held for the vacant Te Awanui Ward seat.
“We want to see the Te Awanui Ward represented as soon as possible and the Council will act quickly, within the statutory timeframes, to have arrangements for the by-election put in place,” Mahé concludes.
“Our expectation is that our 10th team member will be joining us at the Council table in early-May.”