Mayor Mahé Drysdale says it’s important for the community to know that these key decisions are on the table and how to stay connected with the process.
“Both days of the Council meeting will be livestreamed on our website, and I’d encourage people to watch the discussions and decisions as they happen,” says Mahé.
“We know our community is looking for transparency around decision-making and we are committed to delivering on that.”
One of the major decisions will be around the city centre Civic Precinct project - Te Manawataki o Te Papa.
Mayor Mahé Drysdale says the detailed design and initial pilings of the Civic Whare, Exhibition and Museum project are almost complete and Council approval is now required to move ahead with construction of the buildings, which are planned to be complete by the end of 2028.
“As we are now moving into a new phase of this project, we need to review the current funding arrangements and ensure all viable options have been explored to deliver the best outcomes for the community.”
Te Manawataki o Te Papa includes a library and community hub, civic whare (public meeting house), exhibition gallery and museum. Council committed to no more than $151.5 million (50%) of the development costs being met through rates-funded debt. The remainder of funding was to be made up from external funders, such as the $21 million TECT Community Trust grant, central Government grants, local grants, and Council asset realisations.
The construction of the library and community hub is well underway, with structural timber framing now being installed. This building is due to be completed by the end of 2026.
2025-26 draft Annual Plan
At the upcoming meetings, Council will also prioritise its capital programme for the 2025-26 draft Annual Plan, which will take effect from 1 July next year.
Mahé says the current economic environment means Council faces some important choices on where to prioritise investment and spending in Tauranga.
“Ratepayers want to know that their rates payments really count. That means everything we do has to provide value for money and deliver outcomes and quality services that will benefit us all.”
Public consultation on the draft 2025-26 Annual Plan will take place from 28 March to 28 April 2025.
Harington Street options
On November 12, the Mayor and Councillors asked staff to review directional arrangements for lower Harington Street after receiving a petition requesting a return to a two-way traffic system.
Council will look at the options for Harington Street, which is one of five city centre streets that moved to a one-way system in March this year under a pilot project aimed at reducing the disruption from the many construction projects in this area.
Water service delivery
Also on the council agenda is an indicative business case on the future for water service delivery.
In line with the Government’s new policy direction, Local Water Done Well, local councils have been asked to create a future plan for how they will deliver water services to the community.
This plan will help to ensure we’re delivering water services in the most cost-effective and efficient way possible, while allocating enough money for future upgrades through to 2055.
“We have already heard loud and clear from the people of Tauranga that water assets must stay in council ownership and under local government control, so we can assure you that won’t change, but some new approaches will be needed to ensure we can deliver water in a sustainable way,” says Mahé.
Un-fluoridated water supply options
Council recently began fluoridating the city water supply to comply with a directive from the Director-General of Health. Councillors requested that options for residents to access un-fluoridated water be analysed and costed. Council will receive a report on the options analysis and determine how to proceed.
Mahé says he believes having the freedom of choice for residents around fluoride in Tauranga’s water supply is important. “Whilst we are legally required to fluoridate our city’s water supply, I am pleased we can discuss options for access to un-fluoridated water for those residents who wish to have it.”
Council meeting details:
- Monday, 9 December 2024
9:30am – 4pm
Bay of Plenty Regional Council Chambers, 1 Elizabeth Street, Tauranga
View agenda
- Tuesday, 10 December 2024 (continuation of Council meeting 9 December)
9:30am - 3pm
University of Waikato Tauranga Campus, Te Manawaroa Room, 101-121 Durham Street, Tauranga
Watch the council meeting livestream